Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Editing in the Data Browser

Currently the following conditions must be met for a business property to be edited in the grid:

  1. Cannot be xmlFragment type.

  2. Cannot have any of the following flags set: Read Only, Disabled.

  3. Must be one of following item specs:

    a. textBox (display format must match the internal format, Upper Case flag not set)

    b. dateTime (longDate, shortDate, shortCenturyDate, showTime, upDown not currently supported)

    c. toggleButton

  4. Cannot be a read-only property (e.g. join property, geometric property, in a reference).

  5. Cannot have an initial value with "editing" as the key as defined in the XFM project.

  6. Cannot have any associated property watchers.